Monday, January 31, 2011

Another Minecraft blog has entered the internet

Hooray blocks!

I'm ChronoBasher, and currently I've been developing custom "adventure" type maps for the game MineCraft. These maps focus on giving the player a goal or task to complete in an otherwise sandbox game. You can grab maps I've completed in the Download Maps section and follow my works in progress here on the home page.

I'll be posting some screens of the newest map later.  In the meantime play through "Professor Grizwald and the Curse of the Pyramid"!


  1. Hi! Im doing vidz of this map, but im stuck at the puzzle after u go down in the pyramid! :( Any help? I have watched the tutorial on the AND circuit because i noticed that it is the start in the chamber.. But i can't get it on! Any help plzz? :D

  2. Sure! I'll give you a hint to where the clue you missed is: Go back to the 1st room of the Pyramid (the one that had the 2 spawners). There is something in there that might look familiar ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello, I am making my own adventure map and I was wondering what program you used to make the maps that are in the notes and does it work on mac?
